- How much time (years) did it take for you to reach your first and second promotion after returning from maternity?
- what was your average %compensation increment during 3 years of maternity “impact”, i.e the year of pregnancy followed by 2 years after maternity. For example, year1: 2% increase, year2: no increase, year3: 3% increase = 5/3 = 1.6% average
- Were you fired or laid off within 2 years of returning from maternity?
- did you voluntarily leave your job within 2 years of returning from maternity?
To executive women:
- How many years of work experience did it take for you to reach your first C-level or C-level +1 position?
Questions I’m curious about:
- How much time (years) did it take for you to reach your first and second promotion after returning from maternity?
- what was your average %compensation increment during 3 years of maternity “impact”, i.e the year of pregnancy followed by 2 years after maternity. For example, year1: 2% increase, year2: no increase, year3: 3% increase = 5/3 = 1.6% average
- Were you fired or laid off within 2 years of returning from maternity?
- did you voluntarily leave your job within 2 years of returning from maternity?
To executive women:
- How many years of work experience did it take for you to reach your first C-level or C-level +1 position?